Great Healthy Food Site

I have been hooked on this website. It is written by Jenna Weber, this adorable girl living in Florida who bakes and tries to live a healthy lifestyle to the fullest. She writes about food, exercise, and her life.

I have tried her smoothies or "green monsters" and have been enjoying them. Everyone can use more fruits and veggies in their diet, right?

The smoothie or "green monster" that I have been making includes some or all of the following:
Smoothie ingredients: ice, water, skim milk or unsweetened almond milk, scoop of Amazing Meal (found at Sprouts or Sunflower Foods), strawberries, banana, blueberries, non-fat vanilla yogurt, and spinach/kale. I have thrown in flax seeds too but they are pretty crunchy for the most part. If you leave out the spinach/kale and just add berry flavored Amazing Meal, it tastes like an actual smoothie. The greens really give it that extra kick of healthiness and it is an acquired taste.

*Warning: Some sources have said that spinach is healthiest when lightly steamed and that the body cannot process it uncooked. This might cause stomach issues. In addition, drinking too many of the smoothies can really pack the calories into your day so don't overdo it (use less fruit and more veggies).

Supporters of Wheat Grass powder swear that it helps with wrinkles and skin tone. So far, no results but you never know! More on this subject to come............

Check it out!

1 comment:

jonathan said...

The juice looks definitely tempting to me! I use to make some regularly for daily drinks too. Thanks!


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