I knew I had to rush to Target or Whole Foods to get a cute reusable bag soon. I have to show my kids that they shouldn't waste plastic bags. In fact, San Francisco is going to ban them and Whole Foods doesn't carry them anymore. More stores will follow suit within the next few years. Also, with the economy, it will be a great way for them to cut costs and use the "environment" excuse.
After watching the Planet Green channel all night, I decided to do a little research on the latest and greatest in reusable bags. I am also going to challenge myself to not be wasteful in my makeup usage, recycle each container and start looking for environmental friendly products.
This is the first trendy reusable bag in Hollywood. It sells for $28.99 on luxurydivas.com.
If you live in LA or wish you did, these bags are pretty blah but make a statement. They are $28 each as they should be. You are paying for the name.Breast Cancer Awareness
Lora would love this one! These two bags were found on www.awarenesstshirts.com
I think this bag will inspire a few to quit using plastic bags! I am sure that Leslie will be sporting one after Sephora opens in Tucson on my son's birthday - November 14th!
For the environment, I use less water in my child's bath, I tell my boys to turn off the water when they brush their teeth, we recycle, we turn off lights when we are not in the room (we could be better though) and we have switched almost all of our lights to low energy bulbs, use a programmable thermostat, use a time of use electric meter, water down our soap when it is low and other little things. I am sure there are a lot of improvements we could make and I intend to do that in 2009.
What do you do in your daily routine or teach your children to do to help with the environment?
I do love that bag. How did you know? :) I have a HUGE collection of canvas bags in my trunk, and have been using them for years; Trader Joe's, Joann's and Home Depot all have inexpensive, STRONG bags. Ella will remind me to bring them into the store sometimes!
And, at our new house, we didn't plant any grass, for a savings of 10,000 gallons of water a month.
But there's so much more we can do. Great posting!
my favorite are the envirosax www.envirosax.com
I love their kid ones, I bought them for the boys and they work great when going to the pool, toting soccer balls etc.
Lora- that is great that your kids remind you- how cute! Leah- That website is awesome. The kids ones are cute. Nice and colorful!
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