As promised, Moody Maria is having a contest! Since the focus around summer is flip flops, sandals, walking on the beach......let's have a contest to win free stuff to make your feet as soft and smooth as the sand on a beach.
Up for grabs is Victoria's Secret After Shave Lotion and Warming Foot Scrub!
The first prize comes with an OPI nail polish of your choice. After you win, just let me know what type of color you prefer and I will go shopping for you.
So this prize is sort of like winning a personal shopper too!
The second prize isn't as glamorous but very useful!
It comes with a foot file to smooth out those rough edges.
So, this is how it works! Leave me a comment with your first name and your tip to keep your feet looking good this summer. If you feet are not worth mentioning, let us know that too. How long has it been since your last real pedicure? You can leave a comment as anonymous if you wish and just leave your name in the text of the comment. This way, you don't have to sign up for a thing or give out your email address.
On the evening of July 13th, I will randomly pick two winners. After I announce the winners on this site (by July 14th), I will let you know how to contact me so we can get you your prize. Free prize, free shipping and totally fun!

On the evening of July 13th, I will randomly pick two winners. After I announce the winners on this site (by July 14th), I will let you know how to contact me so we can get you your prize. Free prize, free shipping and totally fun!
I haven't had a pedi in two years! I need this stuff. Thanks for having it. Jen
My key to cute toes is getting a pedi at least once a month during summer months. I'm so glad I've found your site!
What a great prize!! I haven't had a pedi in such a LONG time!! Would love to pamper myself with this! Thanks!
bunnybox9 at gmail . com
I haven't had a pedi in 2 months, which really makes me sad because a young teenager who volunteers at my job has her toes done. How sad is that.
When I have time to take care of my feet, I usually moisturize with Curel and cut the cuticles and nails back. I use either a red or a mauve color to pain on my toe nails.
Thanks Moody Maria for all that you do.
I think it's been about five months... eep! :) As far as a tip... I make sure to soak and moisturize my feet at least once a week with a good foot cream. It really seems to help in summer. :)
My sister taught me to exfoliate year round, so your feet are always ready to show off! I always try to use dark colors in the fall and winter, and bright colors in spring and fall. My last pedi was about 1 month ago. :) Moody Annie
My economical way of keeping feet nice to look at all summer is easy to do,,,just keep those nails clipped and the polish fresh. Nothing worse than seeing chipped nail polish on those piggies peeking out of sandals or flip flops.
I need a pedicure badly but instead I am trying to maintain at home!
I need one before my big trip.
Months?! It's been 6 years since my last pedicure; since the day before my wedding. Sad, I know. I use a metal file tool in the shower on my calluses, and then any OPI color that strikes my fancy at Ulta.
Great website! long since my last pedi...umm..more then 25 years!! I've NEVER had one! I'm totally one of those Moms that never does anything for herself! It's really rather pathetic...and let me tell you, these feet are WAY in need of it. I think the poor person giving me a pedi would need goggles and an electric sander to get all the rough skin off my feet! I try at home, but I just am not disciplined enough to do the continual routine! I'm Jessica by the way and I think this contest is FAB!
My mother-in-law got me hooked on french pedicures awhile ago, and I feel like I should send her the bill every time I go now - lol My tip for great feet is to have my hubby rub a minty, tingly lotion on my feet after a hard day....ahhh!
-Colleen ;)
Ok- I figured out how to comment.. tip is simple but thank god it works!!!
Put Vaseline on your feet or the Udders Cream(I can't remember the real name- the green w/ red metal square can) on before you go to bed and put on socks- leave on overnight. Immediately the next day my feet are baby smooth!!! When you can't remember the last time you had a pedicure I suppose it has just been toooo long:) Karrie
I haven't had a pedi since I was pregant with my son and couldn't reach my toes. He is now two! To keep my feet looking nice, I "multi-task" by soaking and exfoliating them whenever my son takes a bath. After the bath, I put on a ton of lotion and my feet look great (and my kid is clean, too!). Susan S.
I try to get a pedi once a month during flip flop season. My tip, buy one of the foot exfoliators they use in the salon and use it in the shower once a week. I get my scrubbers at sally's and they cost around $2!
OMG... The bottom of my feet look like I have been walking barefoot thru the desert. I have tried creams, lotions, you name it. I even tried the new Pedi egg which sales for $9.99. Not bad, just the dead skin around my ankles looked like it had been finely chopped. On the box it also said that it would collect the shavings with no mess...yeah right! It looked like it snowed all over my carpet. I think this is a great prize to give away...lord knows I need it. Thanks Moody Maria!!!!
Moody Maria, it is time for us to get pedi's! :-) It has been 5 years since my last one and my feet definitely could use it! Thanks for keeping us up to date on all the great beauty products...
I love to get pedis, but it has been way too long! I try to do the self-pedicure at home, but it usually involves my two little girls ages 3 & 4, so you can imagine what my toes end up looking like! When I do get a chance to have some alone time, I try and use the Victoria's Secret warming foot scrub... it does work wonders and really does heat up your tootsies. Thanks for your fun blog!!
Tip: Obviously basic grooming is a must. But, summer sandals tend to dry out my feet. I use Extra Emolient Night Cream from Mary Kay over night and my skin is smooth again! I swear by it!
Last Pedi: I have been treating myself monthly, so I'm not posting for the contest, just for the tip! Good luck to everyone else, though! =]
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